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timminchin.com is updated by Tim
and the wonderful Shell.

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Hi y’all.

Just wanted to let you know about some gigs and stuff.

I’m appearing with the excellent Rhod Gilbert at the Comedy Store in Manchester on the 25 Oct. Which is really soon. Check it out.

Then I’m playing at the Duchess Theatre on the West End (wahoo) on the 12th November. Should be fun. Tickets here.

Then I have a baby. Which should keep me busy for a week or two.

My UK tour runs from late Jan to early March next year. All the exciting details can be found on my gigs page.

I’m sorry I’ve STILL not got any downloads up. For some reason it’s not letting me upload anything, and I need to figure it out. (I’ve just been on the road for ages, so everything’s been on hold a bit til now.)

Also, So Rock IS going to be available online… very soon. Am just waiting on people in Aus. I’ll let yez know. Maybe a week away.

Finally, check out my Myspace page if you’re into that sort of thing. And if you want to join my small but dedicated band of stalkers, you could go here. Nuts. Nice nuts.

Hope everyone is managing to maintain a consistent position between coping and ecstatic.



Chris on 16th of January 2010

Are you doing as UK tour in 2010


debbie fowler on 31st of December 2009

when will you be touring the uk again? particularly swindon/bristol/oxford way you played at the wyvern theatre in swindon but i was out of town {gutted}

Samara on 31st of January 2009

do you know when? watched the so fuckin rock live dvd and thought it was awesome.wanted to see you at stirling university but couldnt get tickets.

Samara on 29th of January 2009

No Scottish dates? :-(

Andrea D. on 16th of November 2008

when are you coming down under…dude we miss you down here.!!!!!

Erin on 14th of November 2008

Why can you not come to Spain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

leonard Wilson on 26th of October 2008

My partner in crime, Jolen, just turned me on to your wonderfully irreverent stuff, Tim. The word genius gets used a lot when it shouldn’t, but it does apply to you. When nobody else is doing what you’re doing, you know you’re doing it right…Len

Lil :) on 25th of November 2006

Hey Tim (+ everyone)
i really loved the song that you sung on Spicks and Specks… is there any place I could buy/download it coz my whole family is, like, obsessed with you and the song…

from the most marvelous me

tim on 18th of October 2006


Nicola on 18th of October 2006


Helen on 18th of October 2006

I feel quite proud to be a member of your small but dedicated band of stalkers, hehe!

Sarah on 17th of October 2006

So Rock is available online everyone!!!! YAY!!! for those who don’t have secret sources…

Kel on 17th of October 2006

Congrats on the upcoming bundle of joy. I don’t have one myself, but I do know they change your whole perspective on life, so enjoy, enjoy everything.

tim on 16th of October 2006

the fact that youve left the good ol’ place that is australia makes me sad, but as long as you come back regulary, and to perth, then i will be happy.
i want so rock the cd now and i dont want to wait, now! do your minchin magic!
thats my new favoutite phrase, minchin magic.

Dani on 14th of October 2006

*giggles* I love the I’ll give you my wife song :-) One day I’ll be able to sing along to that without running out of breath and giggling!

Yay for downloads!!! Yay for the cd!! Yay for Tim!! you SO fucking Rock ;)

Paws on 14th of October 2006

*Claims Walnut*
Does this make me special?

Stalkers? Where? We only did it once or twice…*hides binoculars behind back*

Hopefully see you in Colchester

Cazza/Caroline on 14th of October 2006

If I was going to be a nice nut I think I’d be a cashew nut. Walnuts are also nice…any takers for the title of walnut?

Caroline x

Kirsty on 14th of October 2006

Hey! The downloads are up at last!

Well done you!

*huge round of applause*

Sarah on 13th of October 2006

Hi Tim…
You never fail to impress me!! I never knew that you could have babies!! Good luck with that… I’ve heard its awfully painful… apparently more painful than having your appendix removed…

Thank you for your concern and compassion Kirsty…. apparently I had to get my appendix removed… and so I did…

Nicola, welcome to my world of hyperventilating on getting news from Tim :)… it’s fun….

Love always,

ellen on 13th of October 2006

Tim….I have just rang the Phoenix in Leicester and they have never heard of you…..yet….beware. Im there!!! hahahaha..

as for stalkers I second Cazza! Ive not met you yet either! Ellen xx

Nicola on 13th of October 2006

I seriously hyperventilated when I discovered you were to be on Spicks and Specks. I believe the obsession may be beginning to control my very being…

Metalkitten on 12th of October 2006

Sorry to see no Scottish dates on there…there’s none I can go to, Im gutted :o(

Jono on 12th of October 2006

Oh, exciting, looking foward to that albulm!!! OH, and how proud I am to be one of your dedicated stalkers.
I’ll be seeing you on Spicks and Specks next week, I see your on with Frank! He’s a big fan of yours, we sung a duet rendition of “Peace Anthem of Palestine” while I was packing up my camera gear. Oh, and documentry worked has been postponded for a month until exams are over… stupid school!

lily on 12th of October 2006

Pfft. All those places are stupid – i.e. not where I live.

But (not very grudging at all) congratulations on brilliant life stuff happening for you. Willow says hi – again. Still your littlest biggest fan.

Cazza/Caroline on 12th of October 2006

Whoo…I made it a bit sooner to commenting on this update didn’t I? *pats self on back*

And as for stalkers! Cheeky ;-) Well sadly (for me, maybe not for you) I’ve not even met you so I can’t fall into that category, not just yet anyway…there is time though.

Great news about the tour and of course the baby, hope everything goes swimmingly :-D

ttfn Cazza (currently to be described as ‘coping’)xx

Clair on 12th of October 2006

Argh, I can’t go to the duchess on the twelth…I’ve already got tickets for something else. Typical!

X. on 12th of October 2006

Sarah, second luckiest woman on Earth, that baby is going to be awesome!!! Take care of yourself and take pictures with your digital camera!
M., sorry, X.

Nicola on 11th of October 2006

That’s the thing with checking your blog at least twice daily. When there’s actually an update, one tends to suffer a small heart attack and almost fall over their chair.

(Only to be informed that the excruciating wait for So Rock is to be prolonged)

Kirsty on 11th of October 2006

How very exciting!!!

I’ll definately see you in Sheffield… and hopefully at several other gigs. Can’t wait!!!

I’m commenting before Sarah again, you’ll note. But she’s not feeling too well, so she can be forgiven for not being fast today. Love you, Sarah!

– Kirsty

Hannah on 11th of October 2006

See you in Manchester…and Sheffield…and also Nottingham. And perhaps Leeds.

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