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and the wonderful Shell.

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A third Melbourne date has been added to the Australian Orchestra Tour:

Tim Minchin vs Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
Sunday 27th February 2011
The Palais Theatre

Tickets will go on sale 12th August 2010.


Julie Stones on 12th of August 2010

The third Melbourne gig is now up on ticketmaster for anyone who tried to book this morning (despite the fact that the girl I spoke to checked with her supervisor and they told me it didn’t exist!)

Simon on 12th of August 2010

Also tried to book tickets for your third show in Melbourne. Would be great to get some feedback


Julie Stones on 12th of August 2010

Trying to book this date and ticketmaster know nothing about it! They only have the original two dates which only have rubbish seats left.
Can you let us know what is happening please.

Amy on 11th of August 2010

What time will they be on sale?
And what time will the show be?

Tom Tull on 10th of August 2010

Hi Tim, I think you are actually the best, and it would really make me happy if you replyed to this. I am a singer as well, my friend plays piano and has learnt one of your songs, its going well, but nothing compared to what you can play.

Kate on 10th of August 2010

Yes, Tassie please. I will have 2 month old twins and really can’t see me making it to Melbourne this time!

R. Callaway on 10th of August 2010

Yeah, come to Tassie Tim. You have some big fans here!

Jennifer Barlow on 10th of August 2010

Would LOVE to go, but it means flying in from Launceston… Maybe, one day, some gigs in beautiful Tasmania?

Shell on 9th of August 2010

Tim is going to be in Brisbane – he has dates all over in fact.

You’ll find details in Gigs or in the previous posts on the Australian Orchestra Tour, one of which is here.

Lou-Anne on 9th of August 2010

when are you coming to the gold coast or brisbane?

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