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On the 30th March 2011 Tim will be hosting the snappily titled 25th Melbourne International Comedy Festival Opening Night Comedy All Stars Supershow… *pants* – no the other definition:
v. pants:To breathe rapidly in short gasps, as after exertion or attempting to announce an overly long show title.

This is the Comedy Festival’s 25th birthday bash, with some of the world’s best comedians taking to the stage. Tim’ll be performing and they put him in charge!

You can still get tickets here for this – we know, madness!

Remember how he opened the Gala in 2007?

The Gala will be shown on channel Ten, as in previous years, so we’ll announce the date it will air as soon as we know.

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kathry on 4th of April 2011

This will air in Australia on Wednesday 13th April and 8.30pm on Channel 10 (apparently).
Info found on this link:


Alex on 29th of March 2011

Yay this is tomorrow! :) Should be fun. xx

Chick on 5th of March 2011

Thanks Linzy for clarifying that. What confused me wasn’t the title of the article above but the fact that in the body of the text (particulary after the embedded video) it’s referred to as “The Gala” and that it will be shown on Ch 10 as in previous years etc. Anyway, don’t mean to nit-pick but it might be helpful to correct that as well. Cheers! xx

Linzy on 2nd of March 2011

The title was changed a while ago to reflect that he’s hosting the opening night gala, which is still a gala, just not the Oxfam one that’s hugely publicised and called “The Gala”.

There’s no reason to suggest that it won’t be televised, especially with it being the festival’s 25th birthday party, it’s just it might not air until later in the year. We will, of course, let you know once it’s due to air.

Chick on 2nd of March 2011

Ahh just answered my own question. Checked the website again. The Gala (which Channel 10 usually televises) is different to the Opening Night All stars etc show (which Ch 10 doesn’t normally televise). Have the web fairies got their events mixed up? Oh dear! This is sad as it sounds like we won’t get to see Tim on TV afterall. *sniffles*

Chick on 2nd of March 2011

If Tim is hosting why is the festival’s website publicising Josh Thomas as the host? (Did he host it last year perhaps – can’t remember) I hope this is not a terrible mix-up. We want Tim!

jen on 28th of February 2011

Excellent news. Saw Tim last night at the Palais — what a tour de force!!

cazz on 27th of February 2011

Go Tim!!!! pity I wont be there BUT bring on Sheffield in May! hope you have a good night at the MICFG. xx

Lady Lydia on 27th of February 2011


Benny on 27th of February 2011

Brilliant! Just saw him last night at the Palais, now I get to see him again next month! This is going to be fantastic.

Sarah on 26th of February 2011

This just made my morning even better! First Noel on Let’s Dance for Comic Relief, and now news that Tim’s hosting MICFG! Fantastic!

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