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An Oscar Winner!

by Linzy 28th Feb 2011 | 12 comments

A few days ago, we told you that you could buy Shaun Tan’s ‘The Lost Thing’, which is narrated by Tim, on iTunes for a measly £1.49.

Australians, you also have the option of buying it on DVD, which includes a cute 48 page hardback book, exclusive to the DVD release (non-Aussies, you can import it; it’s region-free)!

Have you been waiting for a reason to purchase this lovely animation, before shelling out your hard-earned money? Well try this one out for size!

‘The Lost Thing’ has won the Oscar for Best Animated Short!

The film was an outsider for the award and beat off competition from the favourite, Pixar’s ‘Day & Night’, as well as the other nominees, ‘The Gruffalo’, ‘Let’s Pollute’ and ‘Madagascar, Carnet de Voyage’.

In his acceptance speech, Tan pointed out the irony of the film being noticed, given its subject of things that don’t get noticed and also said that the award should really go to the cast and crew behind the film, including Tim!

Tim had this to say about it all:
“As many of you will know, Shaun Tan’s “The Lost Thing” won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film. Excuse me while I gush: I’m incredibly excited for Shaun. He’s an amazing, lovely, wondrous and wonderful man. His dedication to his work is an inspiration, and the fact that I was offered the chance to play my tiny role in this film is a profound honour. I love his work and can’t wait to see what he does next.”

Here’s the trailer again, so you can see exactly what all the fuss is about!


Jess mossyrock on 1st of March 2011

Well done! I loved the book and I love the film. I’m so happy that it got the recognition it deserved.

Diane on 28th of February 2011

WOWOWOWOWOW! Good on you. Now we might have a chance of seeing the film here in the USA.

Tina on 28th of February 2011

such fantastic news! many congratulations!

mark evans on 28th of February 2011

and he mentioned you in the acceptance speech. a billion people heard your name. awesome.

Gary Bradley Hodges on 28th of February 2011

Congrats Shaun and Tim!!! Well deserved!

Ori on 28th of February 2011

WOW!!!! So happy for you!

maurinko on 28th of February 2011

Congratulations Tim! Poland are proud of You! :)

M. Blaise on 28th of February 2011

An OSCAR. What competition it had too, fantastic. Love Shaun Tan’s imagination. Congrats to the new kids on the block!

Cathy on 28th of February 2011

Oh my goodness, just woke up to this amazing news, sooooo thrilled for everyone involved, well done Shaun you genius man, I think The Lost Thing is a fantastic and beautiful thing. No wonder you feel honoured to be part of it Tim, your narration was spot on for the atmosphere of the film. :o)

april on 28th of February 2011

yay! very well deserved all round

Stewart Greenhill on 28th of February 2011

Congrats to Shaun and Tim, and indeed to everyone involved in making “The Lost Thing”.

A well deserved win. Its nice to see something so wonderful and off-beat make the grade.

Deb Wain on 28th of February 2011

Congratulations to both Shaun Tan and Tim Minchin! I heard Tan’s great acceptance on the radio this afternoon & was thrilled to hear quirky Australians can cut it with the rest of them. (As if we didn’t know that already – but the recognition is fabulous.)

Also, many thanks for an evening of giggles at the Palais last Friday.

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