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July 2011

Yep, that’s right – due to what can only be popular demand, a third night has been added to Tim’s stint at Vicar Street! Tickets for the new date on the 15th went on sale this morning from Ticketmaster so there’s still opportunity for you to grab good seats but you’d best be quick about it!

Can you believe it’ll only be the fourth time he’s brought his bare feet, grand piano and stupid… songs to Ireland for a full length show? All the more reason to head on down and given it’s a Saturday, you’ve got no excuse not to take a mini-break to see him!

Are you in?

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Tim will be headlining a charity gig for Amnesty International as part of their 50th Anniversary. Live & Ungagged Again! will be at The Sands Centre in Carlisle on Friday 23rd Sept at 7.30pm. 100% of the profits go to Amnesty International.

He’ll be joined by Jarred Christmas, Daniel Sloss, Imran Yusuf and the evening will be compered by Chris Ramsey.

Tickets are £21/£18 Students and go on sale 9am Tuesday 26th July.
Box Office: 01228 625222

Tim will be live, ungagged, uncaged, unrestrained, unimpeded, unshod, unabashed, …underpanted and unsurprisingly gloriously unkempt of hairdo. Fancy unwinding and having a giggle with Tim and the rest of the line up, all in aid of an important campaigning organisation?

You know what to do…

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Going to or thinking of going to the Green Man Festival this year?

Green Man is held at Glanusk Park, Usk Valley, Powys, Wales and runs from the 19th-21st August 2011 but early arrivals on Thursday 18th August will be able to see Tim performing at a special evening gig to open the festival!

Gates and camp sites open at 10am on Thursday 18th August.

The festival is pretty close to selling out but you can still get tickets from Ticketline. Pricing and other ticket outlets are listed here, where you’ll also be able to access the full line up and festival details.

Go Green, See Red

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