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You may have heard a whisper or two already but today The Really Useful Group and AEG Live officially announce the first ever UK arena tour of Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s legendary rock classic Jesus Christ Superstar with Tim cast in his dream role of Judas Iscariot!

Tim said:
“As a huge fan of Jesus Christ Superstar, I’ve always thought it needed 3 key things: a big cast and band; loads of volume; and me playing Judas. I’ve been in two small productions of the show, and understudied the big man both times. I am really bloody excited about this.”

Former Spice Girl Melanie C will play Mary Magdalene, and BBC Radio 1’s Chris Moyles will perform as King Herod, in what is gearing up to be one of the biggest and most spectacular arena tours ever to hit the UK.*

The public will be voting to cast the staring role of Jesus as the contenders perform on the ITV primetime show ‘Superstar’ in front of a panel of live show judges led by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Jesus Christ Superstar will be celebrating 40 years since it first opened in London’s West End when the arena tour kicks off in London on the 21st September before visiting Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester, Cardiff, Birmingham, Belfast, Dublin, Liverpool and Nottingham. The tour culminates in Sheffield on the 21st October. For full details, check out the GIGS page.

Tickets for the UK tour go on sale at 9.00am on Friday 18th May 2012, priced at £45-£65 and will be available online from www.jesuschristsuperstar.com.

Tim with (L-R) Andrew Lloyd Webber, Melanie C (Mary Magdalene) and Chris Moyles (King Herod)

* After Tim Minchin and the Heritage Orchestra naturally…


Bella amor on 4th of November 2017

It’s years since you first appeared but I’ve only just seen you in JC it’s such a sacred role to me having grown up with the theatre and loving JCS and I was blown away at your powerful and authentic portrayal of judas. Amazing! Spellbinding !! You exceeded all expectations I couldn’t keep my eyes off you !

bob fraser on 4th of January 2013

Tim you MUST bring JCS back home to Aus. By the way, just heard the Pope Song, first time…..Wah-har-hooo! Well done.

Michael K. Ferris on 16th of November 2012

I saw you earlier in the year at the Reason Rally in Washington, D.C. You stole the show!!! Congratulations on your role as Judas in “Jesus Christ: Superstar”. I wonder how many Christians who attend this show realize how marvelously subversive the show is?!?!?!

Mairead on 14th of October 2012

Just saw Tim in JC Superstar last night in Dublin, wow what a voice and what an outstanding performance by all, goosebumps! Best show Iv been too, !!!!

kb on 5th of October 2012

Oh, Chris. I was in the wizard of Oz at school, but I don’t believe in Munchkins.

TeleFrank on 19th of September 2012

I discovered Tim at the Reason Rally in Washington DC. Cool news about playing Judas! I have always loved JC Superstar despite it being a fictional tale. I hope you don’t have to deal with too much annoying proselytizing, it seems the folks in this show are always trying to tell you about their personal relationship with the J-man.

el on 18th of September 2012

i am hoping at least they sell a DVD of the show… if they cant make it to OZ… i would purchase it for sure….

Jo on 15th of September 2012

I hope JCS with Tim will be coming to Melbourne. I’m a forever fan of Tim and would love to see him in JCS.

Chris Scott on 8th of September 2012

Not Impressed!! You were a hero, satirising fairy stories, and now you’re in one.

dahad on 19th of August 2012

Please, come to Czech Republic.

Alex on 23rd of July 2012

Please Please Please Please COME TO AUSTRALIA!!!!!

Jessica-Lee on 18th of July 2012

I really hope that this comes to Australia! It sounds fantastic!!
Congrats Tim~!!

Barbara on 19th of May 2012

Is there any chance that Jesus Christ Superstar with you as Judas will come to Australia and especially Perth. It would be awesome to have it here.

Sheri on 19th of May 2012

I wish this was coming to North America! :D

Tabitha Maser-Clarke on 18th of May 2012

How exciting!! I was wondering, is Tim only doing the arena tour? As in one night in London, and if I don’t get tickets, thats it? Will there be a DVD or anything? Is Tim going to be singing?

Martin Rowe on 18th of May 2012

I have just bought my best friend tickets to JCS at the NIA as a wedding present! Makes up for missing out on the Winchester shows. Can’t wait! This is going to rock!

Annie on 17th of May 2012

Got my tickets, can’t wait!!!

Emily Jane on 17th of May 2012

Come and do it in Australia too?? Please……

Sheryl Ibbotson on 17th of May 2012

Got my tickets at 9 am this morning on members pre sale! You shall be seeing my lovely face on the front row in Sheffield. :) x

Sam2 on 17th of May 2012

This is fabulous news and will be so exciting for those lucky enough to be able to see it. We Australians will just have to imagine Tim rocking the part. But we are happy for him all the same – by all accounts, a dream come true. And so well deserved. But I agree with Lizanne – don’t wear yourself out, Tim, we need you to write your beautiful songs. Rock on!

Abbie on 16th of May 2012

I will definitely be missing school on Friday morning to get tickets for this!

Heather on 16th of May 2012

As Judas was sometimes said to have red hair in folk tradition, this is a good fit ;-)

Lizanne on 16th of May 2012

I’m just worried that Tim is gonna burn himself out… and not find any time to write any more songs! Can we clone him?

Emily on 16th of May 2012

how frickin’ excited….???!!!

Björn on 16th of May 2012

@Rowlus – don´t you know that Tim “can have a dark side”?

Jan Morgan on 16th of May 2012

WOW!! Congrat’s to Tim. (Such brilliant talent) Good luck to you all.

Sheryl Ibbotson on 16th of May 2012

Cannot wait to see this! Will be in Sheffield on the 21st of October as close to the front as i can get! :’) Good job i have money saved up for occasions such as this!! Smart Gall ;)

Fiona Charman on 16th of May 2012

Can’t wait, so excited about JCS, was so lucky to be part of an amateur company to have performed in this show last November when the show was on release and loved every minute of it. Our own excellent Jesus auditioned for the tour but unfortunately didn’t get through but I am really looking forward to this production. Good Luck to everyone involved

Jess on 16th of May 2012

If only they’d use the Australian version of the score!

Liz on 16th of May 2012

I would have to move back to Australia after this is announced! Fingers crossed it is recorded in some capacity!!

Rob Pitt on 16th of May 2012

Payday on Friday – gonna try to get Front row seats again like I did for Tims Arena Tour last time :D

Rowlus on 16th of May 2012

Wasn’t Judas black? :P

Kate Hillier on 16th of May 2012

So cool – I’ll be booking!

Winchester Comedy Festival » TIM MINCHIN SHOW RESCHEDULED on 16th of May 2012

[…] I was offered my dream role of Judas Iscariot in the upcoming arena tour of Jesus Christ Superstar http://www.timminchin.com/?p=6135 This means that the evening I should be serenading you with some of my rational and secular songs, […]

Jay on 16th of May 2012

*hums* “Woody Allen, Jesus” – this will be the encore!

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