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Tim will be talking science with Dr Karl on triplej, ABC, this Thursday 22nd August, 2013.

As part of the Mornings with Zan Rowe show, Dr Karl hosts a weekly science and myth-busting hour. Although triplej is an Australian radio station, if you are not based on that beautiful continent, you can still listen to Tim talking with Zan and Dr Karl live online (if you’re awake that is). If not, Dr Karl’s segment will be podcast shortly after the show airs.

Mornings with Zan runs from 9am to 12noon with the Dr Karl’s Science on Mornings starting at 11am EST. The all important ATT* is 11:30am.

You can listen live online here and you’ll find the various ways to download or subscribe to the free podcast on the Science on Mornings page or go directly to the show on iTunes.

UPDATE: You can listen to the show here now. Tim’s on about 16:00. The podcast is up too – links above.

Those in Aus can contact the show with a science question on 1300 055536 or hit the text line on 0439 757555. Alternatively you can tweet @DoctorKarl.

* Remember this is only an Approximate Timmy Time so it may be worth trying to tune in a bit earlier, just in case.

22/08/13, 08:50
UPDATE: Tim was also talking to Doctor Karl on BBC5 Live in the early hours (BST)! You can Listen Again here and here’s the podcast.

1 Comment

Sam on 22nd of August 2013

Tim, I listened avidly to the broadcast this morning and loved hearing your contribution. I hadn’t realised before how highly rated you were as a Science communicator, although of course I have always known that Science is threaded through all your work. I was very impressed by your answers (and your ‘chook’ impression) but thought you were sadly under-utilised. You had given up a precious morning in a busy schedule for this worthy cause, but Dr Karl just couldn’t help himself, taking over far too much and talking on and on, when we wanted to hear YOU. Thanks, though. I, for one, greatly appreciate that you took the time and trouble to share with us. I could have listened to you for much longer though.

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