After rocking out American and Australian TV sets as Atticus Fetch last year, you’ll soon be able to grab a copy of Californication Season 6 to watch Tim live out his rock star fantasies whenever you want!
Want to watch a particular scene over and over again? Not a problem. Missed the season entirely? Well you’ll be able to fix that. Want to skip all the bits with Tim in? Well, you could, but we don’t condone that kind of activity here…
That’s right, Season 6 of Californication is coming to DVD (and to Blu-Ray as well in Australia) in quite a few countries over the next month, so here’s a handy guide as to where and when you can get hold of it.
US: 25th March 2014 – DVD
Canada: 25th March 2014 – DVD
UK: 14th April 2014 – DVD
Australia: 23rd April 2014 – DVD and Blu-Ray
France: 23rd April – DVD
Germany: 8th May 2014 – DVD
If your country isn’t on the list, please check with your local retailer as it might still be being released in your area.

Look at how excited Tim is about this!
Benno on 4th of April 2014
O the joys of living in a country that’s not even on the list! With love from South Africa, enjoy it guys!
Pam on 25th of March 2014
Michelle on 25th of March 2014
Delighted! I’ll be at the till on the 14th …. Tim absolutely fascinates me!
Regina on 24th of March 2014
Thank you…:)
reg on 24th of March 2014
Who’d want to buy one season and then skip over Tim? That’d be crazy. I can get it on the 1st…thank you…:)