Ooh, look, a YouTube vid of me in a singlet. Just what the people wanted.
It’s a home-office rendition of I’ll Take Lonely Tonight, a song I wrote about not having sex. : )
The studio version comes out in about a month (it’s very cool I can’t wait woohoo etc), but I want you guys to be able to learn it and record your own versions, if you wanna, before I drop mine.
Maybe one day, somewhere, I’ll be able to get one of you lovely mofos up to play it with me.
Lyrics and Chords below.
Loads of lockdown love to you all.
I’ll take lonely tonight
Your offer is kind
And I must confess that I find
Your casual caresses and that pretty dress
Pretty hard to resist
And Christ what a night
I think you’re pretty high
I know I’m pretty pissed
But I’ll take lonely tonight
Though I’m not denying
I hate being alone
Even so I know regret in the making
You’re one of those others I swore I’d forsake
And although this extraction is taking
A great act of will
I got a girl has my heart in a house on a hill
So though I am hungry and tempted
I’m sorry I’m not going to bite
I’m gonna take lonely
I’ll take lonely tonight
Though I know I might well
Have future regrets
That I didn’t more often take up these chances
For what is life for but to shag, drink and dance
And teenager me would be screaming his pants off
Begging me to stay
But my girl has my heart in a house half a planet away
And I’d rather murder than hurt her
So sorry though it feels so right
I’m gonna take lonely tonight
Odysseus wasn’t strong enough
To endure the Siren song and so
He made his sailors tie him to a mast
And Jesus spent forty days and forty nights
And he stood his ground and fought his fight
And the devil tried but couldn’t break his fast
If this is true
The devil should’ve offered him you
I’ll take lonely tonight In my three-point-five star
Boutique hotel
Where I will spend Twenty-five bucks
On minibar snacks
And pass out on my phone
And wake in four hours or so
Soaked in relief to find
I am alone
With only the wrappers
Of Pringles and Snickers
For which to atone
Blissfully lonely
Xen on 21st of June 2020
It’s so cute that you use mi for minor.
Dean Milic on 20th of June 2020
Love love love these handwritten charts. Please release more of these. I’m gonna make this into a poster.
Lynsey Bjorkerothova on 20th of May 2020
I saw you perform this in London in November and loved it. So pleased to hear it again. I wont be singing, the world doesn’t need that at the moment! Sending lockdown love from Sunny Leeds, UK xx
Owen & Andrea on 17th of May 2020
This post was our first hearing of this song, it’s fantastic, and we both knew immediately that we had to have a go at it! Thanks for the opportunity – hope you enjoy our interpretation, simultaneously from Scotland and Massachusetts. :) https://youtu.be/E6SfHxlZhlE Take care and stay safe all!
Colin on 12th of May 2020
Thanks Tim for inspiring my first Youtube vid. I’m one of the not-young triers. :)
Shannon on 11th of May 2020
Tim – thank you for doing this. We saw you in London just a short time ago that somehow seems a lifetime ago. We loved this live, raw, for the first time and as hopeless romantics have been eagerly awaiting hearing you sing it again. So thank you. Stay safe. Love to you and your family from London.
ColinM on 10th of May 2020
Thank you Tim for inspiring my first YouTube vid. And thank you to Felicity for throwing me the challenge. Not the easiest one to do justice on guitar but a rewarding journey even if the result is somewhat inferior. Hope you like. I’ve certainly never heard a Tim Minchin song I didn’t not not like. :)
StephenF on 6th of May 2020
Thank you for sharing the chords and lyrics Tim. Absolutely loved this at the Palladium in November. In a massive first for me I have given it a go: https://youtu.be/Jpcg3R2RPJs Hope I haven’t butchered it too badly!
greg cook on 5th of May 2020
sorry, i should have been more specific.
the song about overpriced motel snacks and an honour to a
diametrically opposed girl on a hill.
Michael Wilt on 3rd of May 2020
Thank you for this performance. I love the song and the sentiment it expresses and am looking forward to the album (and Upright in the US, and live music again in venues large and small etc).
This song takes me back almost 40 years to when I heard the late Stan Rogers sing “You Can’t Stay Here,” a similarly-themed song about a musician on the road facing late night after-show temptations. The more things, change, as they say… But people who truly value love always make the deepest impression.
You can hear Stan’s song here: https://youtu.be/1nY0MykaSyw
With much gratitude for all the good stuff that hardworking Tim has brought to my life–including live in Boston the night before my birthday and two incredible Broadway shows.
Zoe Faen on 1st of May 2020
Just beautiful Tim.
You’re such a wonderful storyteller and talented musician. Thank you for the music
Peneleapaí on 1st of May 2020
You know how the new = the fresh = the novel = the perfect ?
Or at least how it seems to ?
I’ve ONLY just discovered Tim Minchin.
But . .
Judging not only by the couple of things I seen so far (twas JCS 2wks ago being aired on the Easter wkend that brought me attention to Tim M.) , and the comments , the Minchin ‘novelty’ may just behave differently compared to other phenomena that get accustomed to.
Beir bua !
Lina on 30th of April 2020
How rare and beautiful to find a person with that kind of integrity, ethic, morals. I’ve always loved your wit, humour, musicality, and intelligence, and now I’m further impressed by your commitment to your marriage, esepecially as no doubt many temptations come your way. May you and your family live happily together for many years to come, Cheers, Lina
Linda Dwyer on 30th of April 2020
I love the sprinkle of humour even with the most wistful of topics – the boutique hotel and the minibar tab.
Don on 29th of April 2020
Love the song it’s quite beautiful …. though guessing that many out there now feeling what I feel every day for many years regardless of virus (no itimacy?). I’m a 52 year old woman (means no longer desirable to most men irrespective of age) who still has longing, but unless you sell yourself down the river, or pretend to be something your not this is something many of us women without partners navigate every day. We are the invisible ones.
Mark on 29th of April 2020
Another bloody good song Tim. Looking forward to your studio Album and maybe one day actually getting to see you live in concert.
Natalie on 29th of April 2020
“A song about not having sex” – that is lovely :,)
Hannah Reid on 29th of April 2020
Tastic. I’ll work on my stubble and get the vest on. So fab to see a scrap of paper of chords. Thought it was only me. Much love. Hannah x
Raven on 29th of April 2020
My goal is to cover this and upload a video before the 16th of may
thank you so much for the challenge, it truly is inspiring me to play more while in isolation.
Molly on 29th of April 2020
As the woman half a planet away of someone who didn’t take lonely, this song strikes such a strong chord. It’s absolutely beautiful, and I appreciate the acknowledgement of how difficult it can be to be faithful, but that the choice can be made all the same. I hope some day to feel as loved as this song shows you love and care for someone to “take lonely”. Thank you for sharing your art and your heart.
Henry on 28th of April 2020
So timely with so many alone around the world just now. I saw you play this in Gateshead and I’ve been dying to hear it again. Thanks for putting this up and taking us back to one of the best on stage experiences of a lifetime. Big love
Liz Suda on 28th of April 2020
I love everything about this song. Beautiful. Just what we need right now. Ethics and empathy. Thanks Tim.
Jack on 27th of April 2020
Tim, I saw you perform this in Oxford – it’s my favourite song from the new show. Being married is one of the best things to have ever happened to me, and this song captures the good fight that sometimes has to be fought brilliantly. Thanks for the video and chords, I’ll be having a go at playing it later.
Greetings from my bunker to yours.
Nicole on 27th of April 2020
I have been dying for this song to come out, it’s beautiful. Thank you for the chords…my piano and guitar await. <3
Bunny on 27th of April 2020
Thank you for this. It’s a beautiful song.
I now need to learn it, but I’m not great at reading music in any form.
Rabih Ghobril on 27th of April 2020
Thank you for the encouragement. This honestly makes me want to learn it even more. I hope to see you perform it live one day.
I hope you and your family/loved ones are staying safe and happy during these trying times.
Juliewoolie on 27th of April 2020
I absolutely love this song, please do more little vids
Rocky on 27th of April 2020
Absolutely brilliant work Tim!
Love this song to bits!
You made me cry.
You’ve inspired me to break out the keyboard to see what kind of a version I can come up with.
Stay safe and looking forward to seeing you in Melbourne next year.
Lots of love