Hey Australia! An update on the status of some of the shows on Tim’s BACK encore tour:
Due to current Victorian Government COVIDSafe measures, the Melbourne show, at Hamer Hall, on Thursday 1st July has been rescheduled to Sunday 4th July. Ticket holders have been emailed updated information about this show.
The other Melbourne shows on Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd July will proceed as planned.
The Newcastle tour dates will now be rescheduled as follows:
Wednesday 29th September 2021 – Newcastle, Civic Theatre (previously Monday 28th June, 2021)
Thursday 30th September 2021 – Newcastle, Civic Theatre (previously Tuesday 29th June, 2021)
All tickets remain valid for the rescheduled shows without the need for exchange. Ticket holders unable to attend the new dates can obtain a refund from the point of purchase. Refund requests are to be submitted prior to 5pm, Sunday 25th July 2021.
For any further ticket enquiries please contact your point of purchase, or visit: ShowUpdatesLNAU.
Thank you for your understanding.

Photo by Andy Hollingworth
Hi! This is Tim talking here. Hope you’re all still paddlin’. Funny old river, this one.
I wanna tell you about the charities we’re supporting, in Australia and New Zealand, this year through our BACK encore tour.
Some of you know that ever since I started touring again in early 2019, I’ve sold 50 premium-priced “VIP” seats per night and donated that money to charity (all of it, thanks to cooperation from venues and promoters and ticketing companies).
It generally comes to about $AU10K a night… and if we manage to (finally!) get through this “encore” tour, then BACK will have raised around a million bucks. Which, if you’ll forgive me, makes me pretty fucking proud. And grateful, too, that my audience members are so keen to snap those tickets up. They are, after all, very bloody overpriced. Mwahahaaa.
In 2019, the charities were varied, and you can find out all about them here.
In the aborted 2020 tour, and its current reboot, I have decided to focus on independent theatre and dance. It has been a terrible time for that sector, with funding cuts and covid both playing their role in threatening the survival of really fantastic companies. So in every city we play, my completely awesome management team have helped me find wonderful organisations to gift some dosh to.
Find out all about the recipients below. (And thank you again, so much, for helping us with this project.)
*Oh, btw, while I’m virtue-signaling… we’re also making this tour as GREEN as possible. In fact, we’re going for carbon neutral. Find out more about that project here.*
Australia and New Zealand 2021
Restless Dance Theatre
Restless is Australia’s leading dance theatre company working with artists with and without disability. Their artistic voice is loud, strong and original. Restless creates innovative, award winning works that have featured in 3 recent Adelaide Festivals. Touring nationally and internationally their works celebrate diversity on stage.
Tawata Productions
Tawata Productions is a Māori and Kuki ‘Āirani creative company based in Te Ūpoko-o-te-ika-a-Maui – Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand. Specialising in the rigorous development and presentation of theatre, Tawata blurs the lines between text, movement and image presenting a dynamic performance experience from Aotearoa to the world beyond.
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