Here’s a place you can leave random comments about stuff that you feel isn’t particularly related to the News. Maybe you just want to say hi. Maybe you want to critique a piece of my work. Maybe you want to ask me where I live and come and bring me cookies. Whatever. Stick it in the box down below.
Oh, and please don’t post links or email addresses, or the spambot filter robot will take offence and refuse to publish.
Elisson on Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Tim, you are what Tom Lehrer could have been if he had been born a few decades later. Your lyrics - cleverly constructed and full of wit - alone would make you a rockstar, but your musical talent goes with them hand-in-glove. So, like, when are you coming to Atlanta?
Brad on Monday, 30 March 2015
There are so many things I appreciate about your work. It's wonderful to have a skeptic's point-of-view put to words so eloquently. I've shared Storm with everyone who will watch. And I will always be greatful to you for White Wine In the Sun, which validated my views on Christmas. Hilarity, rational thought, and sentiment--what more could one ask for?
Samantha on Sunday, 29 March 2015
Hi Tim, it's hard to say how much your songs mean to me without sounding crawling. But it's just such a relief to hear someone express what I feel with intelligence, precision ... and wit :) Thank you.
Arthur Craig on Wednesday, 25 March 2015
Hey Tim, I met you after your last ever orchestra show in Adelaide couple years ago. Since then I've gotten all your stuff, had a good laugh and kinda let it fizzle out. Then about a week ago I got back into it all and remembered how bloody brilliant and ferociously intelligent all of your work is. Loved it then and love it now, so much that I'm doing a version of You Grew On Me for my year 11 musicianship summative exam. I would love it if you came back to Adelaide for next year's fringe or even before that! Looking forward to Matilda coming to Oz. Love it all, Arthur
Cody Drumm on Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Hey Ginger ~ Please come to Hong Kong and perform! We would love to have you!! But don't come during July-August, as I'm in Canada on holiday during the summer months off and would be so utterly saddened to find you came and went just as I was away on holiday! - Fellow Ginger
Melissa on Monday, 23 March 2015
Hey tim, Been a fan for many years now. You really are a bloody rockstar. Please come grace adelaide, fringe next year hint hint. I'd sell my kids to go, I may only be joking ha ha ha. Oh and on a completely random note your totally my celebrity free pass wooƶooo!
Miriam Gunn on Thursday, 19 March 2015
Come to ireland sometime soon Tim
Ken on Thursday, 19 March 2015
Hi Tim. I just randomly came accross some of your stuff on YouTube (I was searching for kitty videos and you came up; how'd you do that?). What can I say? Clever, funny, and musical to boot. Rock on. And get yourself to Minneapolis, Minnesota some time. I make awesome chocolate/butter scottch chip cookies, if that's what it takes.
Shana Hirst on Monday, 16 March 2015
My friend just turned me onto your work this morning. It is almost afternoon and I have spent the last few hours soaking up every bit of your genius possible. Thank you for existing. I hope you book a show in Portland, OR soon as I would love to see you.
Reuben Ryan on Saturday, 14 March 2015
Hi Tim, my names Reuben. I'm 18 and I just wanted to let you know that a couple of years ago I was in Bali and was afflicted with the most awful stint of diarrhea and was kept up all night with horrible stomach pains and having to piss out of my butthole. Anyway, I thought I would either die or go mad it got so bad, and the only way I could think of to get through it was to sing your songs and go through your comedy sketches in my head, and since then you have come as welcome relief from many a horrible experience and so I thought I'd just tell you and stuff. Also your opera house show was fucking sick.
Erik on Thursday, 12 March 2015
Hi Tim! I'm a Reiki teacher :-) I'm personally not too concerned about what "science" can or can't find, as I'm only really interested in people getting happier and healthier, and Reiki makes that happen too often for me to ignore. However, I'm cool about people disagreeing (even the select few who have some idea what they're talking about - shock horror), so keep making fun of us alternative healthers as I really enjoy that - nothing needs to be sacred :-) Enjoy! Erik
Gail on Monday, 9 March 2015
Hi, Just thought I'd let you know, I was having a bit of a bad day and decided that a dose of Tim would be the perfect medicine. It worked. Watching Tim perform picked me up. I'll sleep easily tonight. So thanks Tim (And by the way it was just one bad day, nothing to worry about).
Lenny on Sunday, 8 March 2015
Hey, we miss you. Will you come back to Chicago? We will give you cookies. But they will be store bought and packaged, because who would eat home made cookies from a stranger?
Laura Joon on Tuesday, 3 March 2015
Helloooo there! It's 02:30 (yes I edited this at the last second before sending it, to make sure I wasn't lying) and I can't sleep, so you're keeping me company and entertaining me via YouTube, thanks for that :) You should totally come over to Holland some day and do a couple of shows here, since we're pretty much neighbors and well.. I'd love to see you perform! So if satisfying a total stranger's egocentric attempt to persuade you to start a tour through the red lights and green mist of our moated capital is something you enjoy doing, by all means do :) Also, you slightly confuse me. You see I play the piano and a bit of guitar and bass as well and every time I hear you play, I feel dramatically inadequate for a few minutes while at the same time absolutely loving what you do and I really think the only way to figure out what I really feel about your work once and for all is to see you perform live. Do you now understand the importance.. No, the absolute necessity of your presence here? Do you grasp the enormous vitality of that factor? Great, then I'll stop the exorbitant lecturing and end it with a sincere "YOU ROCK!" from one rock 'n roll nerd to another. here goes goes: YOU ROCK! \m/
Cindy Johnson on Monday, 2 March 2015
Tim; You're not just talented and funny, you are enlightened.
Heidi Gibson on Sunday, 1 March 2015
Saw u on Netflix. YOUR FUNNY. Would love to see u in a Reno Nv and get a autograph. I'll call in sick. Xxoo Heidi